People who are much like you

The people who make up this church are people from a variety of backgrounds and experiences. We are people at different places in our faith journey. We are people seeking to find direction in a quickly changing world. We are a people who want to help one another live out our commitment to Jesus Christ.

Sunday mornings at First Christian are pretty casual

While you will find some folks who are wearing suits or dresses, you will find others who are wearing jeans. You will find people who enjoy visiting with one another and you will find people who are more contemplative. You will find people who have beautiful singing voices and others who are more “challenged” musically.

Our 9:00 AM worship service is traditional in style

Music is led by an organ, a bell choir, and congregational singing of hymns. At the same time, the words to those hymns are also projected on two screens at the front of the worship area. This service also includes a time of prayer, the celebration of communion, and a message from pastor Mark.

Following the service, there is a time of fellowship in the church parlor (located north of the sanctuary) that usually includes light refreshments. We also offer a Sunday School class for adults.

Parking can be found all around the church building. There are several entrances including one that is covered with a drive through area to drop off passengers. The building has 3 floors, all of which are accessible either by stairs or elevator.