The Disciples Women of First Christian Church of Pekin continue to be very active in missions and service to others. This year we are donating $3400 to Disciples Missions Fund as well as donating funds locally to Salvation Army, House of Hope, and Christian Civic Outreach. Toward that end, we raise funds though our nut sale. Our service projects include providing a dinner for residents at the Salvation Army homeless shelter, collecting supplies for House of Hope, and joining in our church’s collection of food for Christian Civic Outreach and Pekin Union Mission. We participate in the Pekin area Church Women United, hosting a CWU brunch/program and donating funds for health, sewing, and school kits; layettes and lap robes; and least coin offering. We provide support for families who have lost a loved one by offering service and clean-up for catered-in meals. We remain committed, not only to our own studies and fellowship with each other within our circles, but to our outward focus on others. You are invited to join us for general programs and circle meetings.

Esther Circle: 1:00 p.m. on the 1st Monday of the month
Deborah Circle: 1:00 p.m. on the 1st Tuesday of the month

Neither Circle meets in June, July, or August

(Meeting times are accurate as of 2/2023, they are subject to change)